Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sean Connery, 79 hairy chests for his birthday today

Probably one of the most famous hairy chests in the world. Subject of many a wet dream, male or female. His James Bond was inimmitable with that typical voice, the roguish charm and that chest. The chest he got to show off quite some times. Many a script called for a beach scene, all scripts called for bedroom scenes. And man did my eyes pop out of their sockets. In honour of his 79th birthday today, I'm treating you to 79 of his hairy chests.
Sir Sean, here's to your good health and many hairy returns.

Here's a few more 'for good measure', and let's be honest: they weren't all hairy chests were they?

Gallery: sean connery
Zip file: sean connery
Fansite (in Russian but they have many many pics, the link will lead you to the gallery page): sean connery

Those of you who want to know what might have been (not for the sqeamish of heart) one more from Sir Sean's bodybuilding days

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